Law Office Of Bradley D. Schnur, Esq. P.C.
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Law Office Of Bradley D. Schnur, Esq. P.C.

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A Hotel/Motel “Guest” Becomes a “Tenant” After Staying at the Hotel/Motel for 30 Consecutive Days Without Checking Out

by | Dec 18, 2021 | Landlord-Tenant |

In general, if a person stays at a hotel or motel they are considered a “guest” of that facility and can be asked (or even forced) to leave (by Management or the Police) if they refuse to pay for use of the room or otherwise violate the policies of the hotel or motel.

Notwithstanding, in New York, if an individual stays at the hotel or motel for thirty (30) or more consecutive days (without checking out) they are deemed to have become a “Tenant” of that hotel or motel and the facility must take steps to evict the individual which are no different than if one was a tenant in a house or an apartment building.

The Law Office of Bradley D. Schnur, Esq. P.C. represents both hotel/motel owners and operators throughout the New York Metropolitan Area, as well as occupants of these hotels and motels in eviction (Landlord/Tenant) proceedings.

Please contact us at 516-758-6642 or 914-363-6250 to discuss your specific matter and how our office may be able to assist you.